Cervical osteochondrosis is a common disease that occurs in people of both sexes and different ages. It can be detected most frequently when unavoidable degenerative changes have already occurred in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. This disease is considered chronic, and it is impossible to completely get rid of it, but you can prevent its development by regularly doing special exercises.
Neck Pain Relief and Other Benefits of Exercise Therapy for Osteochondrosis

Regularly performing a set of physical therapy exercises will contribute to the following positive changes in the state of health with diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis:
- Muscle and bone tissues are strengthened, thanks to which the muscular corset more efficiently performs its main function - fixing the spine in a straight position;
- improves posture and prevents curvature of the spine;
- the load on the spine during everyday physical activity is evenly distributed;
- the compression load on the intervertebral discs is reduced;
- improves blood microcirculation and lymph flow;
- increases mobility of the spine;
- Pain in the neck area decreases and its occurrence is prevented;
- the duration of remission of the disease increases.
Rules for performing a set of exercise therapy exercises
In order for a set of physical therapy exercises to improve the state of health with cervical osteochondrosis to be as effective as possible and not aggravate the problem, it is necessary to observe some of the following rules when performing them:
- can't treat himself. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, such as neck pain and headache, are also characteristic of other diseases, so only a specialist doctor should diagnose the disease and prescribe therapy based on the results of a medical examination;
- when prescribing exercise therapy, other chronic diseases should be taken into account, in which certain neck exercises may be contraindicated;
- It is impossible to do gymnastics during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, since any physical activity can increase pain and aggravate the condition. The complex of exercise therapy should be carried out only in the state of remission;
- in the event of a deterioration in the state of health and ailments associated with an exacerbation of other chronic or seasonal diseases, the implementation of a set of physical therapy exercises should be postponed until full recovery.
- Gymnastics is more effective when performed in a well-ventilated room and at a specific time;
- Exercise should be started 1-1, 5 hours after the last meal;
- before gymnastics, you need to take a warm shower or wrap a warm towel around your neck to increase blood flow to this part of the body, thereby preparing the muscles and ligaments for the load.
- It is necessary to start neck gymnastics with a light warm-up, which can include several simple exercises, such as: B. swinging the arms, raising the shoulders and performing twisting movements, tilting and twisting the body.
- All training movements of neck gymnastics with osteochondrosis must be performed slowly and evenly.
- When performing a set of exercise therapy exercises, you need to breathe properly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. It is also very important not to hold your breath at the moment when the stress is at its peak;
- At first, you can include only a few exercises in the class, and not all the elements of the complex at once, so that the body can get used to the loads. If you adapt, the load can be increased with the permission of the attending physician;
- After gymnastics, a light massage of the cervical collar zone is necessary to relieve excessive tension and prevent neck pain from heavy loads. In addition, you can take a warm shower and try to relax in a horizontal position on an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
An effective exercise package

Therapeutic gymnastics, the purpose of which is to prevent the occurrence of neck pain and improve the condition with osteochondrosis, can include the following simple but effective training movements:
- After getting into a comfortable standing or sitting position, you need to gently turn your head first to the left and then to the right. Repeat twists 10 times in each direction. This exercise requires you to keep your back straight and avoid shrugging your shoulders. The head should be turned so that the chin rests over the shoulder. If pain occurs, the amplitude of head movements should be reduced.
- When you are in a comfortable straight position, you must slowly tilt your head as low as possible and try to touch the base of the sternocleidomastoid muscle with your chin. In this case, the neck muscles should be maximally relaxed. Then, during the exercise, you need to gently tilt your head back, trying to reach the top of your back with the back of your head. Repeat the inclines forward and backward 10 times.
- While tilting your head to the right, you need to place your right palm on your temple and press lightly on your head to stretch the lateral neck muscles. Repeat the exercise on the other side, pressing the left temple with the other palm. In total you need to perform 10 such slopes.
- Keeping your head straight, place your hand on your forehead and try to tilt your head down, overcoming upper extremity resistance for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise up to 12 times. Likewise, it is necessary to tilt backwards and to both sides, fixing your head at the highest point of resistance against the arm for 10 seconds.
- Lie on your stomach, breathe in and raise your torso, leaning on your palms at chest level. Hold this position for 60 seconds, remembering to breathe properly during this time. After a minute, you can return to the starting horizontal position and repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
In order for the complex of exercises to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to regularly engage in such a program.