In osteoarthritis, the cartilage tissue becomes thinner, covered with a network of small cracks and quickly wears out, exposing bones. There is sharp pain, which affects the mobility of the knee joint. The disease is caused by deposits of calcium salts in muscles and ligaments.
At risk are professional athletes, people with overweight and knee injuries. Osteoarthritis is treated with diets, folk, and drugs that trigger cartilage recovery.
Calcium salts get into the human body with the wrong foods and unfiltered water. A balanced diet stimulates the cleansing of harmful deposits from the body and stops deforming bones. The diet is also recommended for overweight patients. Extra pounds - an extra burden on sore knees.
Diet for osteoarthritis has two functions: it restores cartilage tissue and normalizes body weight. A person has to adhere to several rules:
- Eat low-calorie foods.
- Never skip breakfast.
- Snack when you're hungry.
- Divide the food into small portions.
- Food is not fried. Just boiled, baked and steamed.
- Hard diets and medical fasting are prohibited.
- Don't go to bed on a full stomach.
- Eat 4 to 7 times a day.
- Drink water, jelly and decoctions.
The main task of the osteoarthritis diet is to normalize weight. Pork and beef can be eaten twice a week. Schnitzel, meatballs and other meat dishes are made from chicken breast or turkey, a rabbit is also suitable. Sausages, lard, ham and smoked meat are prohibited, as is butter with sour cream.
Make poultry jelly or jelly weekly. Legs, wings, chest are used. The meat is stripped of fat and skin to reduce its calorie content. A little gelatin is added to the bowl. The additive belongs to chondroprotectors. Substances start the renewal of the cartilage tissue and stop the bone deformation.
Oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout improve joint function. Seafood is prepared twice a week.
Calcium sources are useful for a patient with osteoarthritis:
- lettuce leaves;
- parsley root and stem;
- cottage cheese;
- yogurt without sweeteners or flavorings;
- fermented baked milk;
- dill;
- kefir;
- whey.
Foods that contain B vitamins stop bone deformation. These include black and grain bread, egg yolks, seafood and peas, hard cheese, bananas, and baked potatoes.
The body needs tocopherol. Vitamin E eliminates inflammation, increases the elasticity of the cartilage tissue and increases the mobility of the joints. The disease is slowed down by germinated wheat, walnuts and pine nuts, hazelnuts and linseed oil.
A patient with knee osteoarthritis is recommended to include fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Permitted use:
- zucchini;
- pineapple;
- carrots and Chinese cabbage;
- broccoli, pumpkin and apples;
- grenades;
- lentils, beans;
- raspberries, black and red currants.
Metabolic processes in the body are restored with cereals. Only polished rice and semolina are prohibited. Vegetable oils are useful, but more than 1 tbsp. l. during the day. It is recommended to drink a brew made from rose hips, raspberry branches and leaves, and green tea.
The cartilage is restored with cottage cheese and desserts made from dried fruits, seasoned with yogurt. Only gelatin is necessarily added to the dish.
If you have osteoarthritis and are overweight, you should avoid semi-finished products, cucumbers, white cabbage, French fries and crackers, rolls and cakes. Marshmallow and halva, canned meat and fish, pies and offal are contraindicated.
You can't get carried away by hot spices: mustard, paprika, black pepper and chilli. The amount of salt is reduced to 5 g per day. After cooking, the dishes are seasoned, not during.
Burdock, honey and juices

Arthrosis begins with circulatory disorders in small vessels near the knee cartilage. Massage is recommended in the event of pain and destruction of bone tissue. One of the most common is honey.
Muscles and cartilage tissue are heated with salt or a heating pad for 10 minutes. Apply some liquid honey to the skin and rub the bee product with stroking and tapping movements. The process takes 20 minutes. The remnants of the sweet product are washed off with warm water and a compress is applied to the sore knee.
The blood supply to the cartilage is restored with burdock leaves. Take 5-7 fresh samples, put them in a pile and put a kettle with hot water on them. The skin is treated with vegetable oils such as sunflower or olive oil. Badger or bear fat is also suitable. Warm sheets are applied to the painful leg and wrapped in cling film and an elastic bandage. Cover with a wool scarf.
Burdock can be washed and kneaded instead of warming it up. When the juice comes out, apply triple cologne on the fluffy side. Attach to the deformed joint and fasten it with a plastic bag on top - a warm scarf. On the second day the leaf is smeared with honey and then with cologne. On the third day, the bee product is replaced with garlic pulp. On the fourth day, ointment is used instead of honey and cologne. Compresses alternate for 2 months. Break - 4-6 weeks. Burdock leaves restore the mobility of the joints, reduce swelling and discomfort.
Treat osteoarthritis with tincture of black radish, cranberry and beetroot. 500 g of berries and root vegetables are passed through a meat grinder, and the mass is poured into a bottle. Pour 0. 5 liters of brandy and insist in a closed container for 10 days. The medicine is drunk in the morning before breakfast. Take 30 ml of liquid. The break between courses is 2-3 months.
Severe knee pain and swelling are treated with celery. The whole plant is washed and crushed along with the stems and roots. Squeeze the juice out of the mass and store it in a glass. Drink 60 ml three times a day. The food is consumed after 40 minutes. The cake is applied to the knee at night. Before the procedure, the skin is moistened with vegetable oil.
A drug against osteoarthritis is made from celery root. The workpiece is cleaned and washed, crushed. Measure 1 kg of mass and mix with 1 liter of vodka. The jar with the blank is placed in a dark place for 10 days. The filtered celery product is kept in a bottle. The cake is left in a glass, 1 liter of water is poured. The resulting aqueous infusion is mixed with vodka in equal proportions. You drink 60 ml of medicine half an hour before a meal. The course lasts 5 to 6 months. The celery infusion stops the destruction of the cartilage tissue and eliminates pain.
Eggs, horseradish and dandelions
The mobility of the joints is restored if the patient rubs protein into the skin on a daily basis. The egg is broken, the contents poured into a bowl. The transparent mucus remaining on the walls is picked up with a finger and applied to the aching knee.
Whipped chicken egg remedy relieves severe pain. Take half of the protein and the same amount of egg yolk and beat with a fork. Add 10 ml of turpentine and 1 tbsp. l. Apple Cider Vinegar. Massage the workpiece into the inflamed knee, cover it with a cotton towel and a plastic bag. The process is repeated 4 times a week until the symptoms go away.
Apply horseradish compresses to the deformed joints. Fresh product is grated and boiled in water. The mass should simmer over low heat. The workpiece cannot boil. The warm product is spread on a cheesecloth and tied to the sore knee. The compress is made from fresh and dried roots. The course of treatment lasts until the symptoms have completely disappeared.
Calcium salts are removed from muscles and ligaments by dandelions. Pour 300-400 g of fresh flowers into the bottle and fill the container with vodka. Triple Cologne is fine too. The grinding is emphasized for a month. While the medicine is being prepared, fresh dandelion flowers are consumed inside. Pick 5 pieces a day, wash and chew slowly. The plant has a bitter taste, but you cannot eat or drink it. In winter, fresh flowers are replaced with dried leaves. The billet is first soaked in hot water and the swollen pieces are eaten before breakfast or lunch.
This dandelion cut is applied to the knees after warming up. The medicine is rubbed into the joints with gentle and gentle movements. The sore leg is wrapped with a film and a handkerchief, and the compress remains until morning.
clay, berries and elecampan

Cabbage leaf draws calcium salts from muscles and ligaments as well as from burdock. The product is immersed in boiling water, hit with a hammer, and then soaked in honey. The knee is wrapped with a blank, the compress with a woolen scarf.
Apply blue or red clay to the inflamed cartilage. The product removes accumulated fluid and reduces swelling and pain. The powder is diluted with cold water and stirred with a wooden spoon. A creamy paste is applied in a thick layer to a clean and dry knee. Secure with a cotton cloth and bandages. The leg is wrapped in a scarf for 4-5 hours. The remnants of clay are removed with damp towels or cotton swabs, ointment is rubbed on the knee. The treatment lasts 5 days.
Elecampane helps when osteoarthritis worsens. The crushed root is bought in the pharmacy. Mix 25 g of raw materials with a glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for 14 days. Rub in with severe pain and stiffness.
Take a gelatin tincture inside with an exacerbation of osteoarthritis. Soak 5 g powder in 100 ml boiling water in the evening. In the morning, jelly is made from thick noodles. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and add 1 tsp. Honey. The taste of the drug is enhanced by adding lemon or other juice.
Joint inflammation mass is boiled from gelatin and milk. For 5 g of dry ingredient 120 ml of liquid base. Bring the pasta to the boil and sweeten with sugar. Store in the refrigerator, eat 2-3 tablespoons daily. l. Milk jelly.
The destruction of cartilage tissue is stopped with lotions. The tool contains:
- iodine;
- medicinal bile;
- 10% ammonia;
- glycerin;
- honey.
The products are mixed in equal proportions and poured into a glass. Used after 14 days. The composition is impregnated with gauze or cotton cloth and applied to the knee for 4-6 hours. The compress is tied to the joint with a bandage or cling film, and a scarf is tied on top.
Cranberry leaves clean the body of calcium salts and prevent thorns from forming. Powder from dried raw materials is mixed with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The broth is drunk instead of water when a feeling of thirst occurs.
Cranberry tea helps with osteoarthritis. Berries are brewed with boiling water: 2 tbsp. l. Fruits 1 liter of hot water. The drink in one hour is divided into 4 servings and drunk per day. The cranberry infusion is taken 30-40 minutes before meals.

The blood flow to the inflamed knee is restored with moderate physical exertion. Light exercise relieves painful sensations, reduces swelling and slows down the aging of the joint.
Patients with advanced disease are advised to start walking regularly. You have to take 3000 steps a day. The distance is increased gradually so as not to overload the legs.
Gymnastics can be done at home:
- Sit in a chair or stool so that your heels don't hit the floor. Straighten your back, place your hands on the armrests or hips. Swing the bottom of the affected leg back and forth.
- Get up on all fours, put your hands on the floor. The inflamed knee only touches a hard surface, but the main burden falls on the upper limbs. Remain in this position for 5 to 10 minutes. Gradually, the load on the sore knee increases, but it is impossible for painful sensations to appear in the joints.
- The patient walks slowly across the room on all fours. The floor must be covered with a soft carpet or mat. A hard surface injures inflamed soft tissue.
- Sit on a chair and put your feet on the floor. Put your toes on the floor and lift your heels off the floor. Count to three and return to the starting position. Do 20 to 50 reps.
- Stay in the chair. Put your heels on the floor and lift your socks up. Reach for the blanket for 3 seconds and return to the original position.
A patient for whom simple exercises do not cause knee discomfort can squat 10 to 20 times a day. Do not lower the pelvis too deeply so as not to overload the damaged cartilage. Ascend smoothly and without sudden jerks.
Preparations for osteoarthritis
Folk remedies remove calcium salts from muscles and slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue. However, decoctions and compresses are best combined with pharmaceutical preparations. Patients with osteoarthritis are prescribed non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors.

Nonsteroidal drugs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Thanks to tablets and gels, the swelling decreases, the deformation of the bone tissue slows down. Nonsteroidal drugs affect the functioning of the digestive organs, liver, and kidneys. Therefore, drugs should be selected together with a doctor. The drugs relieve symptoms but do not restore the structure of the cartilage.
Chondroprotectors normalize the blood flow to the knee joints. Means eliminate the cause of the disease and begin the renewal of cartilage tissue.
Cartilage repair triggers collagen. They produce tablets for internal use, ointments for external use, and injections. Injections are one of the most effective treatments for osteoarthritis. The medicine is injected directly into the joint so that it is better absorbed. Collagen is prescribed during remission, when the patient is not worried about pain and swelling.
Osteoarthritis is treated with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid preparations should be injected directly into the joint. The product covers the bones with a protective film that prevents friction and wear on the cartilage.
The drug against osteoarthritis is combined with vitamin complexes that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene as well as magnesium, boron, calcium, copper and zinc. The components increase the level of collagen in the body, stop the inflammatory process and normalize blood flow to soft tissues.
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases. Young and elderly patients are confronted with the destruction of the cartilage. At the first symptoms of joint deformity, folk remedies, vitamin complexes and pharmaceutical preparations should be used to stop the inflammatory process and slow down the aging of the knee.